
Bibliographic Metadata from Cuban Journals as Linked Data

1. Description

The dataset exposes bibliographic metadata from several scientific journals from Cuba following the Linked Data principles. It contains metadata about Authors, Articles, and Journals. In the case of Journals, links were generated with two other datasets in the web of data: wikidata and ISSN. There is a version of the LinkedDL knowledge graph published in the Linked Data Fragment server.

2. Download

Dataset nt ttl hdt xml
Journals Links
LinkedDL KG

3. Citation

This dataset was built using several tools described in the LinkedDL model described in the next paper:

Hidalgo-Delgado, Y., Xu, B., Mariño-Molerio, A. J., Febles-Rodríguez, J. P., & Leiva-Mederos, A. A. (2019). A linked data-based semantic interoperability framework for digital libraries. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas, 13(1), 14-30.